Fitness For Service Evaluations
API-579 / ASME FFS-1 Fitness-For-Service Evaluations are Performed to Demonstrate Structural Integrity of Tanks, Vessels, Silos and other Process Equipment that Exhibit Damage or Contain Flaws/Cracks.
Fitness for Service (FFS) assessments are conducted to API and other relevant Codes to determine whether damaged equipment (such as distortions or cracks) found by inspection is suitable for continued service. This also applies when a large deformation occurs due to unexpected single load. Fitness for Service Evaluations are an important aspect of an Asset Integrity Program in determining the safety and financial risk factors related to component repair or replacement.
There are many factors that affect plant aging. In the current competitive marketplace, extending the life of existing structures and components has become increasingly important in minimizing the total cost of ownership.
- Thermal and Mechanical Fatigue
- PWHT of Weld Repairs
- Weld Residual Stresses
- Mechanical Vibration
- Wind Induced Vibration of Towers & Stacks
- Blast and other Dynamic Effects
- Fatigue of Welded Joints
- Failure Analysis
- Fracture Mechanics
- Fatigue Life Assessment
- Bulges and Out-of-Roundness
- Creep, Stress-Corrosion & Corrosion Fatigue Crack Growth
- Elevated Temperature Analysis for Creep and Creep Fatigue
- Dents, Gouges & Combinations
- Fire Damage
- High Temperature Hydrogen Attack
Mechanical Engineering
Recent Projects
Related Codes and Standards
Codes and standards for pressurized equipment provide rules for the design, fabrication, inspection, and testing of pressure vessels, piping systems, and storage tanks include:- ASME B&PV Code, Section VIII, Division 1 – Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels
- ASME B&PV Code, Section VIII Division 2 – Alternative Rules for Construction
- ASME B&PV 31.3 – ASME Code for Process Piping
- ASME B&PV 31.1 – ASME Code for Power Piping
- ASME Section XI – Rules for In-Service Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components
- API 650 – Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage
- API 620 – Design & Construction of Welded Low Pressure Storage Tanks
- BS 5500 – British Standard for Unfired Fusion Welded Pressure Vessels
- EJMA – Standards of the Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association
- Petrochemical
- Process
- Oil/Gas
- Manufacturing
- Energy
- Pressure Vessels
- Heat Exchangers
- Piping
- Condensors
- Reactors
We perform Fitness for Service assessments in accordance with API 579 / ASME 579 FFS-1 to extend equipment life. This work includes assessments for clients in various industries, including pressure vessel fatigue life evaluations, assessment of undocumented equipment, and critical flaw sizing assessments.
Core asset failure can have far reaching consequences, which impact reputation, scheduling, and your bottom line. FFS evaluations often result in lower maintenance & operating costs as well as improved plant safety. Read our article on Fitness for Service in Stainless Steel World. (PDF).
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Fitness for Service Related Links
>> Tom O’Donnell, PE
>> Weld Troubleshooting/ Consulting
>> Introduction to API 579 / ASME FFS-1
>> Introduction to Fatigue Analysis
>> Project: API 579 / ASME FFS-1 Fitness for Service Evaluation on Urea Reactor
>> Portfolio of Mechanical Engineering Projects
Learn from the experience of others. Especially when one such “other” is Dr. William O’Donnell, PhD, PE, Founder and President of O’Donnell Consulting Engineers, Inc., and ASME “Engineer of the Year” – his 50 years of experience in analysis of components including fatigue and fracture safety evaluations and failure analyses are now comprised in this volume.
If you are interested learning more in Engineering Design, Manufacturing and Construction, as well as Failure Analysis, then this book is a must have!
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