ASME Section VIII Design & Analysis – Vessels Processing Nuclear Waste

ASME Section VIII Analysis - FEA Model of Vessel for Processing Nuclear Waste

Thermal, Fatigue, and Creep Analysis using ASME Code


ASME Section VIII Design & Analysis – (Using Thermal, Stress and Fatigue) Finite Element Analysis on Elevated Temperature / Pressure Vessels Processing Nuclear Waste. The vessels were to treat radioactive waste to produce a stable, immobilized solid product waste as part of the Idaho Cleanup Project.

The vessels were designed to Section VIII, Division 1 of the 2004 ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code (with Addenda A2005). The DMR vessel is subjected to thermal gradients, cyclic loading, and creep behavior, which cannot be adequately evaluated using Section VIII, Division 1 of the ASME Code. We thus evaluated the vessel  for thermal, fatigue, and creep conditions using other sections of the ASME Code which provide explicit acceptance criteria for these types of loading conditions.

Static strength and fatigue strength were evaluated using Appendices 4 and 5 of Section VIII, Division 2 of the ASME Code, respectively. Appendices I and T of Section III, Division 1, Subsection NH were used in evaluating the vessel for creep rupture/creep fatigue damage interactions, and strain accumulation, including creep ratcheting. The various load stress limits of Division 2 were used with the allowable basic stress limit of Division 1.


O’Donnell Consulting Performs Design and (Thermal, Stress Vibration and Fatigue) Analysis of Vessels and other Process Equipment – to ASME Code.

(412) 835-5007

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