Short summaries of a few of our nuclear-based projects.
ASME Design and Analysis on Pressure Vessel Components for Radioactive Waste Cleanup
Design and thermal, stress, vibration and fatigue analysis on vessels and components to ASME Code – as part of the Department of Energy’s radioactive waste cleanup effort.
Failure Analysis Steam Turbine Drain Line
Investigation of a fractured 2-inch pipe occurring at a socket weld connection.
Control Rod Guide Tube Support Pin Cracking in PWR’s
Cracking and failure of Control Rod Guide Tube (CRGT) Support Pins (commonly referred to as “Split Pins”) was encountered at a number of pressurized water reactors.
Development of a New Structural Evaluation Technique for As Built Nuclear-Components with Minimum Wall Thickness Problems
We developed a new yield surface method for bounding primary stresses in nuclear components.
Plastic Tensile Instability Analyses of Nuclear Fuel Rod Cracking
We performed analyses of plastic tensile instability conditions in pressurized cylindrical nuclear fuel rods.
Development of Structural Evaluation Criteria for Elbows
For the Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Advanced Reactors Division, a method of bounding the accumulated plastic and creep strains was derived for austenitic stainless steel elbows subjected to mechanical and thermal loads at elevated temperatures.
Development of Structural Evaluation Criteria for Bellows
A method of calculating bounds for the accumulated membrane and bending strains due to creep ratcheting in convoluted bellows was derived for Atomics International Division of North American Rockwell.
Development of Elevated Temperature Structural Design Criteria for Nuclear Components
Our senior staff has developed elevated temperature structural design criteria which have become part of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code for Nuclear Power Plant Components.
Engineering Evaluation and Repair of Nuclear Thermal Shield
Flow-induced vibration occurs due to coolant flow through the annular passages between the reactor vessel and internal components such as the core barrel or thermal shield in some Pressurized Water Reactors.
Pipelock Allows Multi Cycle Operation With Cracked Weldments
We provided the development, design, test, manufacture and installation of a patented device which provides permanent repair of intergranular stress corrosion cracks that develop in the heat affected zones of BWR piping system weldments.
List of clients include:
General Electric | Mitsubishi Heavy Industries | Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Babcock & Wilcox | Westinghouse Electric | Hanford Engineering Laboratory |
Ohio Edison | United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority | Electricite de France |
Our engineers have 30+ experience in the design and (thermal, stress, vibration & fatigue) analysis of nuclear components.
Give us a call to discuss your engineering challenges.